Decorate for Free

2024-06-28T13:26:14-04:00June 28th, 2024|Categories: Buyers, Home Improvement, Homebuyers, News & Blog|Tags: , , , |

You've just bought your first home. Now what? How do you even begin to decorate a new home? Before you head off to your local home decor store or hire a decorator, think about what you already own. Here are 10 tips on decorating or redecorating your home with [...]

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DIY Kitchen Updates Monongalia County, West Virginia

2022-03-11T11:53:58-05:00March 8th, 2022|Categories: Buyers, Home Improvement, Monongalia County, News & Blog|Tags: , , , |

Do It Yourself Kitchen Updates When you purchase your new Monongalia County, West Virginia home, you know that it might need a DIY kitchen upgrade. Plan a DIY kitchen update. Or just a change to the paint colors you prefer. You can certainly hire a professional to do [...]

Happy Groundhog Day in West Virginia and Pennsylvania

2022-03-18T15:51:40-04:00February 2nd, 2022|Categories: Buyers, News & Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

2021 Groundhog day welcomes early Spring in West Virginia. However, just a stone’s throw over in Pennsylvania another six weeks of winter were predicted. Is the West Virginia groundhog French Creek Freddie or Punxsutawney Phil, of Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania correct? Punxsutawney Phil has a bit more notoriety than [...]

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